Things to keep in mind for first time visitors to Qatar during World Cup

The world cup in its first arrival to Middle East has Qatar as its hosting nation. Despite the former world cup hosting countries, Qatar being a Middle East countries follows laws and customs that goes in hand with the culture and tradition of the country. The FIFA World cup 2022 spanning from the 21st of November to 18th of December 2022. While Qatar is expecting a record of visitors for the upcoming world cup, here are few things to keep in mind for the first time visitors to Qatar during the world cup.
- Driving is on the right hand side in Qatar and make sure to abide by all the traffic rules
- Drinking and smoking is banned in public areas and will cause you fine
- Drugs and gambling is too prohibited
- Littering in the public will earn you a handful of fines
- Modest clothing is encouraged to respect the culture and sentiments of the nation
- There is a limit to public photography
- The official language is Arabic and English can be used for communicating in all the places
- Qatari Rial (QAR) is the official currency of the nation
- There will be a change in the time for activities in Friday till the Friday prayers
- No pork products are allowed in the country
- The visitors must register themselves in Ehtheraz app that track their Covid-19 status
- There should be a decency in showing affection publicly to respect the Qatar culture
- There are metros and buses connecting the stadiums and main tourist points of the country
- Qataris may or may not shake hands out of respect towards the individuals
- There should be a limit in showing affection and intimacy in the public.
- It is the first country in the world to have commercial 5G network all over the nation.
- The things to pack while travelling to Qatar are Passport, Visa, Vaccine certificate, Negative Covid-19 certificate and all other essentials as per the latest order by the government of Qatar.
28 May, 2022 15:23